Meatless Monday Inspiration


‘Tis the season for special meals shared with family and friends. Local Rogue Valley chef, Josh Dorcak of MAS, has shared with us a mouthwatering vegan side dish to wow your dinner guests.



Roasted Squash with Roasted Radishes, Asian Pear, and Cilantro


  • 2 delicata squash
  • 1 bunch radish
  • 2 each asian pear
  • 1 bunch cilantro
  • Olive oil
  • Red box kosher salt
  • Maldon salt



  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Wash the squash well as we are going to be eating the skin of this particular squash.
  3. Cut the two ends off the squash and then cut down the middle lengthwise, scoop out the seeds (compost the seeds).
  4. Cut the squash horizontally into half rings about 1/4 inch wide.
  5. Toss the squash into a bowl and liberally coat with olive oil and salt, pour out onto a sheet pan and reserve until you are ready with the radishes.
  6. Cut the tops off the radishes (compost) and cut them down the middle lengthwise and do the same procedure as squash.
  7. Pour the radishes onto their own sheet pan.
  8. Simultaneously place the squash and radishes in the oven and set at timer for 14 minutes. Be sure to check on them around the 10 minute mark.
  9. For the pears and cilantro, these will not be cooked so you just need to handle them quickly on the cutting board.
  10. Cut the pear in half and then in half again. At a 45 degree angle with your knife slice out the seeds (compost), now slice the wedges into slices about 1/8 inch thick.
  11. Pick the leaves off the cilantro and do not throw away the stems as they are beautiful and have the majority of the flavor.
  12. After your timer goes off, remove the vegetables from the oven and they should be withered and slightly caramelized. Allow them to cool slightly and gently slide them into a bowl to toss together.
  13. To assemble use a platter and arrange the squash and radishes first, next place the pear in and around the varying topography of the vegetables to add visual texture. Finish with the cilantro sprigs and leaves. Top with some more olive oil and a touch of finishing salt.

Photo Credit: Lindsey Bolling

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Sanctuary One
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