How Does Your Garden Grow…in Winter?

During this chilly month of February, we’re reestablishing garden rows in our learning garden. Garden rows help to evenly distribute water, keep your garden tidy, and provide you with easy access to each plant. Rows also allow you to evenly space seeds to ensure that each plant has ample room to grow. Our amazing team of Sanctuary One volunteers have been working extremely hard establishing new rows in the learning garden for our Spring vegetable crop. Check out the SFGate article, “How to dig rows for gardening” to see the method we used to build our beautiful rows.

Spring is on its way and the Sanctuary One garden is really beginning to take shape! Our powerhouse team of garden volunteers added hay to the garden rows to help to amend the soil and suppress some of the weeds. Sanctuary One would also like to give a big shout out to the amazing folks at Rogue Compost for their generous donation of 10 yards of fine, food safe compost that we’ll use this month to amend our new garden rows. Our ranch hand Jerry worked incredibly hard to transport and unload the huge and fantastic gift to the farm. This donation will help to support our mission in bringing people, animals and the earth closer together as we grow nutritious food to donate to Access Food Bank and also to share with the volunteers and animals on the farm.

Finished compost makes the most natural fertilizer! At Sanctuary One we use it to amend the soil and avoid using products like feather meal and blood meal which are often the byproduct of slaughterhouses. We made great use of the amazing compost donation from Rogue Compost by adding 3 inches of the magical “garden gold” to each of our rows. John and Jared are two of our green thumbed volunteers who worked extremely hard this week to create an additional 10 new 25 ft rows to the learning garden. They also amended the new plot with hay and finished compost!

And while there’s frost and ice all around the farm, Sanctuary One seeds are starting to sprout! Our kale starts are safe indoors to avoid the late winter freeze. It takes the full team to ensure our seeds are successful. Operation Manager, Brian and Animal Care Manager, Melissa stepped up recently and were mindful of the seeds when temperatures dropped and our garden guru, Jamie had the day off. Brian and Melissa moved them inside and even protected them from Rio the house cat who attempted to walk through the sprouts. Silly Rio. We think he’s a little upset that we took the seed packets away from him recently. Through our partnership with ACCESS we received many packets of seeds that will hopefully grow into a nice healthy crop of fresh produce we’ll be donating back to ACCESS food banks later this year.

The Sanctuary One staff make an amazing team because even though they’re all very busy completing assigned duties they still make time to nurture each part of the Sanctuary One mission, in this case, caring for the earth by caring for our seeds.

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Sanctuary One

Sanctuary One's mission is to provide a refuge for animals & people, in harmony with nature.

2 days ago

Sanctuary One
Adoption Update: Ven (aka Blackjack)!Here's the email Colleen received from Ven's human mom, it sounds like a purrr-fect fit!"Ven is a gem, and I have had the best time with him. I think I found a my friend for life. He is very sweet and he has adjusted to the residence hall with ease. He doesn’t care when we need to leave for fire alarms, and sometimes I put him in his backpack and take him out on walks with me. He is 14 pounds of big boy so he is hard to carry but if it means he can get a taste of outside in safety it’s worth it. I bought him several toys but he prefers to play with boxes and paper bags. His all time favorite toy is a plastic Wendy’s spoon. This last month and a half he has started to chase his tail while on top of his cat tower. It is the only spot I’ve seen him chase his tail. Why he doesn’t do it on the ground is beyond me. He is super chatty, and I was not expecting that from a deaf cat at all but I love it because I can talk back to him even if he doesn’t hear me. I am so happy that you let me adopt this silly goose of a cat. He is perfectly weird and we are a perfect fit (even if he just stole my glasses and hid them under the oven for a week and a half)!" ... See MoreSee Less
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3 days ago

Sanctuary One
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4 days ago

Sanctuary One
Meet Merlin, the powerful wizard!This young boy will surely bring lots of wonder and magic into anyone's life. He loves his doggy pals as well as his two-legged human friends!We don't know much about Merlin's start in life other than he was abandoned with the rest of his litter not far from Rescue Ranch in Yreka CA. While he was reasonably timid at first he quickly learned that we weren't so bad and showed off his goofy and playful personality.He has been amazing in playgroups and loves making new canine friends wherever he goes.Put in an Adoption Application for this awesome boy today: ... See MoreSee Less
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