2019 Events and Sponsorship Opportunities
People have been asking for this opportunity, and in 2019 we are launching our first animal sponsorship, which means we’re currently looking for pledges.
We are looking for business partners. Each animal has a $2,000 sponsorship goal which will aid in food, shelter, veterinarian care, and species specific enrichment programs.
Throughout the year each business sponsor will receive animal photos and updates to share with their community.
Sponsors will have onsite signs along our pond pasture path that all guests and volunteers at Sanctuary One will view.
Nuts and bolts of it:
- Pledges are being taken in 2018 for 2019 animal sponsors
- Each animal has a $2,000 goal, once that is reached, no other business will be able to sponsor them for 2019.
- There is a max of 4 sponsors per any animal. Benefits are outlined in our Sanctuary One Animal Sponsorship 2019 packet.
- You can see who is available for sponsorship, and learn their story email in our Sanctuary One Animal Sponsorship 2019 packet. Animals available are: Alpaca herd, Jigsaw (pig -2019 is the Year of the Pig), Django (goat), Jake (horse), Pickles (pig -2019 is the Year of the Pig), and Freddy & Friday (goat brothers). Howard (duck) is already sponsored.
- The Animal Sponsor Form 2019 can be printed, filled out, and sent in with your favorite animal!
Other 2019 Sponsor/Partnership opportunities:
- Volunteer Week April 7-13, 2019 ($7000, $5000, $3000, $1000, $500 levels)
- Farm Flow Yoga Retreats: special sessions for Breast Cancer Survivors, Grief, and Unity/Making Peace ($1500 –covers one session for sole sponsorship, or $1000 and $500 levels).
- Grief Sunday May 19
- Breast Cancer Survivors Sunday June 2
- Unity/Making Peace Sunday September 22
- Farm Flow Yoga Retreat 2019 Sponsor Packet
- Open Farm Day October 26, 2019 ($3000, $1000, $750, $500 levels)
Interested in sponsoring multiple events and/or animals? Check out our 2019 Multiple Event and Animal Sponsorship Form.
If you’re interested in learning more about any of these sponsorship opportunities, or would like to ensure your sponsorship continues for specific events, please email info@sanctuaryone.org.