Join Sanctuary One in Supporting People, Animals, and the Earth
In sponsoring a tree for the Sanctuary One Living Arbor Memorial you help the care farm animals continue to thrive and you are supporting a crucial outdoor learning and healing resource for our community while honoring a loved one at the same time.
Your support makes it possible for our care farm to provide community service to dozens of Rogue Valley agencies, from the local shelters and Humane Societies, to various veterans groups, youth experiencing homelessness, mental health organizations and more. We receive no government funding and rely on your tax-deductible donations to provide a place of healing for people and animals.
Living Arbor Memorial Options:
$1,000 Plant a tree at Sanctuary One and join our inaugural 2022 Living Arbor Memorial (20 opportunities in 2022). A memorial plaque will be placed in our farmstand honoring your loved one.
$2,500 Name a Learning Garden Raised Bed (6 opportunities in 2022)
To join in supporting the care farm with our first Memorial Arbor at Sanctuary One, while honoring someone near and dear to you, please email info@sanctuaryone.org.